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Brianna Lewis
Sep 26, 20245 min read
Things were going so well...
...But I can't catch a break in life it seems. kels and I were on the upswing. I was being left busy, but not entirely burnt out. I was...
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Brianna Lewis
Aug 2, 20244 min read
Today's one of those difficult days.
A blog explaining my current depression, how it's better than my prior depression, and my positivity remaining high like never before.
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Brianna Lewis
Jun 9, 20244 min read
I have a problem...
I can't relax. I can't. I can't feel fully invested in anything I want to do. There's friends streaming, and I'm there, in chats,...
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Brianna Lewis
May 19, 20241 min read
My mental health has an unhealthy tie to productivity.
The more productive I am, the more healthy I am mentally. The less productive I am, the worse I am mentally. And it is a spiral. Bad...
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Brianna Lewis
May 11, 20241 min read
I'm only doing okay.
I'm not doing terribly, but I'm not doing great, either. I'm only doing okay. I broke my blog streak. I'm not making much progress in...
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Brianna Lewis
May 6, 20242 min read
Basically nothing went right today.
A blog about all the things going wrong, from being in debt with being unable to afford basic things and all the issues.
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Brianna Lewis
May 5, 20243 min read
Depression is truly terrible.
A blog about depression, where I show off my art and what I have done while describing why depression makes it feel not enough.
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Brianna Lewis
May 4, 202410 min read
I have a lot of thoughts...
...but often, I struggle to write them down. I'm not gonna lie, things are very difficult right now in my life. Financially, I went into...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 29, 202311 min read
Some random ramblings;
A blog touching on my past mistakes, on my suicidal thoughts, and my desire to heal others and myself.
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 27, 20232 min read
So I wrote this yesterday...
...but I didn’t get a chance to post it here until now. Rather, I had the chance to. I just didn’t have the mindset to. Heck, I'm only...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 26, 20232 min read
Good/Bad News!
The good news is, I figured out why every time I am Lifeguarding, I get sad. It has to do with no distractions. It’s the same reason I...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 26, 20232 min read
The new year approaches...
...and I am honestly not ready. There’s so much to do. We've got various legal things to do. We need to get my fiancé set up on local...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 25, 20232 min read
Well, it's Christmas.
And it seems so far, sad as it may be, my wishes are indeed impossible. The gifts my family got me weren't bad. In fact, a lot of them...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 24, 20232 min read
Okay, sitrep of today;
I'm still not posting to my mirror or properly tagging these blogs and am not putting much work into writing them. Today, I've been...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 20, 20232 min read
Okay, so it kinda works!
Mobile blogs are garbo, but still are viable. So let me use this one to comment on the last. I am doing better today. I promise. I know,...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 19, 20234 min read
Let’s try a mobile blog.
The non-app web browser for weebly is terrible, and there’s none for wix, but I still want to try and air this thought out. This may or...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 18, 20232 min read
Nevermind, I do have thoughts.
It'd probably have been better if I hadn't, considering the nature of the thoughts. I just feel so pathetic. I have only one reason to...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 15, 20232 min read
Every day I wake up...
...And I wake up thinking, "what kind of pain/hurt will I be inflicting on others who I would love to still call friends today?" The...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 15, 20231 min read
I only know how to make mistakes.
I don't know how to apologize for them. I don't know how to live with them. I don't know how to make things better. To mend, to heal. In...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 14, 20231 min read
I'm a terrible human being.
I suck. I don't deserve to exist. I will die lonely and alone. I only cause harm. I don't do any good. All I do is spread pain. I...
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