Perfection is the enemy of good.
I keep on wanting to make a perfect blog entry to return to blogging rather than just doing blogging with is plenty good on its own. A...
Perfection is the enemy of good.
Also been wasting a lot.
Okay, so I'm blogging again.
Well today was more productive.
I know, I know, no blogs.
Half an hour late, and counting.
Well it was expected, but...
Happy New Year, I suppose.
Well today the end time was around 7:45.
We have poor time allocation skills.
Our internet went down yesterday.
So I was about to blog yesterday...
Late for bed again...
Alright so the radio silence was my fault this time.
I hate how stupid I am sometimes.
Yesterday really messed us up.
Already regrets piling up.
Should we just go on a ramble?
We wasted today.
Always late, always lacking time.