I've been, frustratingly, busy as of late.
I was on the last week of league/tft quests so needed to grind them, which ate up a lot of time.
I've been busy with work.
I literally had my car turn over sideways due to going into a ditch on Tuesday. (Surprisingly--as far as we can tell--the car is fine; I am fine. I'm not traumatized, but I am just frustrated and confused.)
I've been busy with stuff.
I don't even remember what.
I've not had free time. I don't even know why. I've had objectively more time but objectively have been getting less done. I did things. I was doing things. I just don't remember what they were. I was really busy.
Now, granted. Life stuff has happened. We're up to knowing the name of four voices that aren't soulbounds like Vee and Ruby. (Morgan, our Aussie; Bella, our southerner; Ashe, our high-pithced 'hiiiiiii' voice; and now, Amanda, our deep 'yo' voice.)
We've been doing at least some work on our novel.
We've done a little bit of work on our castle in minecraft.
We've done stuff, but we've been left quite busy.
This week started promising in terms of health between both showering and brushing teeth and now I've done neither.
I've not streamed this week and between picking up a shift on Sunday and the staff meeting tomorrow, I probably won't, which is frustrating.
So like.
Just not a great week.