...Okay to be fair, I haven't blogged a lot so that joke is less effective than normal, butstill.
I'm still sick, recovering. Returning from vacation got me one sickness, and to be honest, I'm not even sure I was over it when Christmas hit and I got another sickness.
Both me and my wife got it pretty bad, but we're recovering.
And we've gotten some really good stuff now.
We're getting a free futon, as well as apparently also some free other stuff. A free desk and maybe recliner down the line.
So we've been cleaning our apartment to make room, and already our apartment is so much neater and cleaner.
There's a lot more work to be done, slow going because we're sick still and we don't want to prolong said sickness by pushing it, but it's going and going pretty good!
We got a lot of cooking supplies, including a microwave, so once again, in all ways but one, life is good!!!
The one way it isn't remains illegal financial charges, but...we're working on it.
In the meanwhile?
I'm making tremendous progress on my novel!
I'm cruising through writing, and in terms of organizing notes...
...Well, it's, ah. It's both going well, but also needs some cleanup. Because my worldbuilding is going faster than my notes can keep up with.
I know the details of basically every Abundant Argon.
When they formed.
Why they formed.
What they look like.
Even ones I didn't before.
I have an unofficial backstory for Luden (kept that way deliberately, but rather extensive), and a loose ETA of when. I always knew what Luden looked like.
I've always known what Lilith looks like, and her backstory (rather extensive). Her timeframe of when is actually a bit of a chronological rock/anchor for me in fact; knowing when things happened in regards to her lets me place when they happen because of how well I know her timeline.
Zeboel I relatively recently figured out the event causing their fall, what they look like, and the time involved. It's enough to be a Musical.
Deumos I already knew was the demon who caused Bothai's fall, but Deumos's own backstory, I figured out today!!! (It's ridiculously extensive.) Some of Deumos's backstory would be shown during Bothai's story, and Deumos's character growth would be largely because of Bothai. This also gave me his appearance.
Sanatas I knew the appearance and backstory of (relatively extensive). He was kinda a rock, as he had to be pre-Seidonia.
Dabadon I knew the approximate appearance and backstory of already. He was another rock, thanks to sinking Seidonia. A story extensive enough to be a live action show imo.
Rarma's appearance and backstory I've known for quite a while. (I want to write a novel about it in fact.) The one thing not QUITE set is the timing of her ascension. It's after Deumos's, as she wasn't ruling Angea back then, and presumably after Mastemo's unless she randomly left North Angea untouched. This would make her among the younger, but not among the youngest, as she's pre-Bothai (who is pre-Rothasta).
Belchevore's backstory is largely lost to the ages, but I know what he looks like now! And I have an approximate time he rose to power, too! (It's in one of the two Dark Ages. I'm thinking the mini Dark Age caused by Toran's fall, placing Belchevore as between Deumos's Ascension and Mastemo's Ascension.)
Mastemo, I knew the appearance and backstory of (pretty extensive, although relatively easy to summarize). He also served as a bit of a rock, as I knew exactly what the earth equivalent of his Ascension was. (The earth equivalent being the Fall of Rome. The farn equivalent of the Roman Empire pushed him too far in corruption, laziness, and greed.)
Trisairo, I know the appearance of and have a working backstory (I admit it's basic, as it amounts to "She's the Demon of Order, who tried to bring Order to the Fae Realm, and the Fae being Fae, this was Not A Good Thing", but not every member of The Abundant Argon needs a whole life story. Most do, but it needn't be ALL of them.)
Ditto Milodee. Trisairo and Milodee are two of the few chronological absentees, in that I don't have their timeframe established yet.
Both are on the much older, but not ancient, side. We're talking pre-Deumos. Whether pre-Dabadon or post-Dabadon is the real debate at the moment. I'll figure it out soon.
Bemoheth and Athaneva are unique among the Abundant Argon in that they have no backstory. I don't have their exact appearance nailed down definitively, or at least not their human forms. (I know what their true forms look like.) They are basically as old as farn itself, so they predate even Luden. While I need to know what their human forms look like, I don't need to know anything more about them because there isn't more to know about them. They're proto-spirits who chose to become demons just because they could. They're siblings and spouses. (Demons and Gods, natch. Refer to basically any mythology for how Gods are entwined.) That's about it.
Bothai is one of the youngest Abundant Argon. I've known his backstory and appearance for a while, but finding his exact chronology has been a challenge. I'm honing in on an approximate timeframe, but it isn't nailed down to anything specific quite yet. He's younger than Zeboel by a considerable margin, and younger than Rarma, too. In fact I'm pretty sure he's the third-youngest, with only Rothasta and the 18th Abundant Argon as younger.
Belreach is basically as old as Bemoheth and Athaneva and ever so slightly older than Luden, so is among the oldest of the Abundant Argon. I know his backstory, for what little there is, but his exact appearance isn't quite nailed down. He's a man. He looks like a dude. That's...about it, for details I know for sure.
Phaimyustazael is one of the Abundant Argon I know the least about. He's got new info I know about him as of today (well, mostly it's stuff I internally already had, but wrote down more definitively), namely why his name is so ridiculous compared to the others. (As the King of Contracts, it's by design. It makes it easier for him to deceive people and makes it harder for would-be loopholers to succeed.) I have a really good idea what he looks like (basically, a constant grin fairly pale white man with black hair that's slightly animesque but more subdued and realistic, with shining ocean blue eyes), and a basic idea of how he became the Demon of Contracts.
I don't have an exact chronology set, it's somewhere likely in the range of Deumos: definitely after Dabadon, but before Mastemo. He might be the farn equivalent to King Midas? (As Midas was pre-Troy and Deumos was at the end of Troy, if so this would make him pre-Deumos but responsible for a disastrous fall of an empire.) Which would place him as over 4,000 years ago.
Someone who could cause the fall of an empire like the Babylonians, Myceneans, Hittites, or Assyrians. He could have caused the equivalent of the Knossos, Crete earthquake, the Minoan eruption, or the equivalent of the Thera eruption, etc., all about 200 - 500 years prior to Deumos.
And then we get to the youngest two.
Rothasta was 100 - 200 years ago in the demon realm. Her life as a mortal was pre-Bothai, and might be even pre-Mastemo, as knowledge of her kingdom was lost even to him. Since knowledge of an entire kingdom being wiped out with no trace is rare, this places her most likely human on farn times as immediately post-Zeboel or immediately post-Deumos. However this culminated in her actual Ascension being only a couple hundred years ago because she held onto her humanity in the demon realm for hundreds of years. I know what she looks like, and what she did. Her own pre-guardian history is lost even to her, but I can trace it based on her kingdom not having any trace of existing. It's quite possible she was a resident of the Ferachen Empire, in fact. But if so, would be closer to its founding under King Arnos. She could have even met the guy, been friends with him, even been one of his knights.
And the youngest of the Abundant Argon technically hasn't formed yet, but is known who they are to the Abundant Argon. The 18th member is a spoiler though, but I know who they are, what they look like, and what would cause their Ascension.
Soyeah. Making a lot of worldbuilding progress!
The Abundant Argon have always been a kind of linchpin by which the rest of farn's history has formed through. Other pantheons' rules were modeled after the Demon God-Lords out-of-universe (not in-universe). Ditto their powers, how they work, etc. The mechanics of divine entities were largely reverse-engineered from the mechanics of demons specifically. So, similarly, their history has shaped farn's own history, as well as geography.
I've mapped out farn's geography to have most places named.
And with the abundant argon having shaped the history of those places, I have basically the entirety of the background of the world of farn memorized to the level of an average farn well-educated college general-education adult.
Which is about the level of earth well-educated college general-education adult about earth's geography, history, and religion.
I've always said that farn is comparable to earth in history, geography, socioeconomics, geopolitical climate, cultures, etc. But now I have the how laid out, to the point where I can point to earth events I know about, and point to their farn equivalent. And vice-versa. And how they're similar, and how they're different.
Farn and Earth, despite Farn having magic and explicit deities as well as numerous different sapients, follow nearly identical trajectories as a whole in their progression and regression, in their societal collapses and empire collapses and empire rises. Not identical, especially as The Old World became more "crowded" by divine beings as time passed, and The New World was discovered far sooner chronologically (we're talking basically a thousand years sooner or so, loosely speaking), with Bairn's history more being a mixture of USA and United Kingdom history (history for the region dates back to the equivalent of the Roman Empire, so 1600+ years ago, albeit with large gaps until 1000 years ago or so when Baeyern, the farn equivalent to William the Conqueror, founded the country that would bear a simplification of his name), so like...it's not really a 1:1.
A lot of earth events are condensed into a single farn event, and vice-versa, with what might be a single earth event having been extrapolated to be numerous different farn events. But loosely, the overall trajectory of the two planets is OVERALL comparable, enough that any reasonably relatively well-educated adult from earth if transported to farn would just kinda...GET it.
Both so that Vee, said earthling, would be able to comprehend...and more pragmatically, so my readers, also earthlings, can too!
I hope you all like the final result.
Farn is eventually going to be turned over to the masses.
I've always seen me as just the medium by which stories of farn begin to get shared. Not as the only earth resident producing them.
Farn is as real as earth is, but that makes it a world too big for me to tell every tale of. I want to open it to others, too.
So the work I do now will help let others carry on my work in telling the tale of the planet after I am done sharing what I personally know.
Let's write the future together.