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Brianna Lewis
4 days ago3 min read
So I had a dream last night.
To be technical, it was a dream after I had woken up for the morning, work was canceled due to the snow, and then I went back to bed, so...
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Brianna Lewis
Jan 196 min read
I wanted to explain my daily check-ins some more.
A blog describing why I do daily check-ins, the daily affirmations, and why they matter, and how I got into doing them.
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 22, 20241 min read
Let's see if I can speedrun a resolution blog.
Last year, I made a resolution to spread joy and positivity. It was enhanced by a witchy burn ritual. I succeeded. Pretty brilliantly, at...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 21, 20246 min read
So we had a witch friend over yesterday.
And when talks of energy in our apartment came up, we discovered we quite literally had a monster living under our bed. Or rather, an...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 15, 20243 min read
I'm making a bit of a hard-pivot in life.
It started with a tarot reading on Wednesday which basically asked me what I wanted to really  be spending my time on. And as it turns...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 10, 20244 min read
I still can't make a real blog apparently.
I'm too tired and exhausted again. I don't know why, honestly. I should be getting enough food, and I didn't do much, but I feel extra...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 9, 20244 min read
For the first time since returning, I feel alive.
My body requires an annoyingly large amount of upkeep. I basically have a ridiculously fast metabolism which was meant to slow down...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 5, 202416 min read
I have returned from my trip.
A blog about the last year and all that has happened, as well as the financial stressors in life.
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Brianna Lewis
Nov 24, 20243 min read
I'm in trip prep mode atm.
I'm leaving within the next 24 hours for a Thanksgiving vacation that will take me until next month--so this is very likely my last blog...
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Brianna Lewis
Nov 16, 20241 min read
I missed out on blogging yesterday...
I'm married now!!! Bree and Kelsey Lewis~
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Brianna Lewis
Oct 12, 20244 min read
A bit all over the place today.
There's a lot that I've wanted to blog about, but I've never found the time to talk about it. I think that the top topic that I want to...
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Brianna Lewis
Sep 12, 202413 min read
This is going to be another copy-paste blog...
A blog talking about my plans to return to Red Hood Rider down the line, after higher priorities have been realized.
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Brianna Lewis
Sep 9, 20241 min read
Bit too late to make a real blog...
A blog celebrating how Bree's wife-to-be landed employment.
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Brianna Lewis
Sep 8, 20246 min read
I figured I should talk more about my wants.
My wants are nothing remarkable. Of course, I lot a lot of things I want are things that I know are impossible, at least in this...
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Brianna Lewis
Sep 6, 202419 min read
I wanted to do another blog explaining my decision;
Namely, it's the decision to move on rather than to go public with the events of last year and the followthrough into this year. And...
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Brianna Lewis
Aug 29, 202414 min read
I figured today would be a good day to express some thoughts.
Me talking about all of the healing I have done, my reflections, perspective, and more.
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Brianna Lewis
Aug 27, 20247 min read
A cheater blog;
What I mean by a "cheater blog" is that I'm going to be taking a few of my recent 'unofficial blog' posts on my main Twitter and my...
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Brianna Lewis
Aug 23, 20246 min read
In all ways but one, life is good.
A blog about the financial hardships, adulting, and current life situation of Bree and her fiance.
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Brianna Lewis
Aug 2, 20244 min read
Today's one of those difficult days.
A blog explaining my current depression, how it's better than my prior depression, and my positivity remaining high like never before.
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Brianna Lewis
Jun 16, 20245 min read
Well, I am not exactly inspired rn.
A blog where I talk about myself a bit, reintroducing myself and delving into updates and challenges.
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