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Brianna Lewis
3 days ago7 min read
I wanted to ramble about my beliefs a bit.
This is something I've been wanting to do for years, on again off again, but rarely do I get the chance to actually follow through. This...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 21, 20246 min read
So we had a witch friend over yesterday.
And when talks of energy in our apartment came up, we discovered we quite literally had a monster living under our bed. Or rather, an...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 10, 20244 min read
I still can't make a real blog apparently.
I'm too tired and exhausted again. I don't know why, honestly. I should be getting enough food, and I didn't do much, but I feel extra...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 5, 202416 min read
I have returned from my trip.
A blog about the last year and all that has happened, as well as the financial stressors in life.
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Brianna Lewis
Oct 12, 20244 min read
A bit all over the place today.
There's a lot that I've wanted to blog about, but I've never found the time to talk about it. I think that the top topic that I want to...
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Brianna Lewis
Sep 17, 202413 min read
Now seems an apt day to do the followthrough blog.
A blog talking more about what I lived through and motives for what I did/didn't do.
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Brianna Lewis
Sep 12, 202413 min read
This is going to be another copy-paste blog...
A blog talking about my plans to return to Red Hood Rider down the line, after higher priorities have been realized.
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Brianna Lewis
Sep 8, 20246 min read
I figured I should talk more about my wants.
My wants are nothing remarkable. Of course, I lot a lot of things I want are things that I know are impossible, at least in this...
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Brianna Lewis
Aug 29, 202414 min read
I figured today would be a good day to express some thoughts.
Me talking about all of the healing I have done, my reflections, perspective, and more.
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Brianna Lewis
Aug 27, 20247 min read
A cheater blog;
What I mean by a "cheater blog" is that I'm going to be taking a few of my recent 'unofficial blog' posts on my main Twitter and my...
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Brianna Lewis
Aug 1, 202417 min read
I know, been a while since I blogged.
Part of it has been the challenges of life, in particular, a shifted work schedule. There's a reason once the July schedule hit, I...
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Brianna Lewis
Jun 29, 202411 min read
Today's a third stage of grief/loss today.
Thursday was acceptance. The feeling of it having happened, and having that understanding. Actions have consequences, and my decisions...
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Brianna Lewis
Jun 16, 20245 min read
Well, I am not exactly inspired rn.
A blog where I talk about myself a bit, reintroducing myself and delving into updates and challenges.
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Brianna Lewis
Jun 10, 20243 min read
Well, today's been productive!
To some extent, yeah, distractions from mental spiraling, but actually, by and large, the two were actually separated from each other! I...
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Brianna Lewis
May 6, 20242 min read
Basically nothing went right today.
A blog about all the things going wrong, from being in debt with being unable to afford basic things and all the issues.
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Brianna Lewis
May 5, 20243 min read
Depression is truly terrible.
A blog about depression, where I show off my art and what I have done while describing why depression makes it feel not enough.
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Brianna Lewis
May 4, 202410 min read
I have a lot of thoughts...
...but often, I struggle to write them down. I'm not gonna lie, things are very difficult right now in my life. Financially, I went into...
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Brianna Lewis
Apr 15, 20245 min read
Perfection is the enemy of good.
I keep on wanting to make a perfect blog entry to return to blogging rather than just doing blogging with is plenty good on its own. A...
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Brianna Lewis
Apr 6, 20242 min read
i'm extra sappy tonight
and also extra drunk rn. like, extra extra drunk. can't spell, can't speak. i'm tired plus drunk. tiredposting affects my ability to be...
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Brianna Lewis
Mar 24, 20242 min read
Time slipped away today...
...but that's okay. I got a callout from my tarot reading, and also a very extensive reading from a different practitioner. From the...
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