Perfection is the enemy of good.
I keep on wanting to make a perfect blog entry to return to blogging rather than just doing blogging with is plenty good on its own. A...
Perfection is the enemy of good.
(Possible deleted blog 2)
Well today was more productive.
I continue to both be productive yet exhausted.
I'm mentally exhausted.
I had a good nap today.
I want to take back control of my life.
I KNOW! No blogs!
Happy New Year, I suppose.
We have poor time allocation skills.
We're still super duper mega tired.
I don't know why we're so tired.
Decent day, but no blog.
Today will likely be small gains day.
Let's not take an hour to blog again.
Well it's 7 am in the morning...
Well we're late for bed again.
Late for bed again...
Oh hey can we do a real blog today?
Well I'm late for bed again.