Okay so checking in my notes I've got...hmm, 1/11/2023?...
...I guess that means about 47 days worth of notes to sort through?
Aside from how I am trying to combine three documents' worth of info into one (well, one was already bare-bones having been formed side-by-side with this project, but I suppose the discord notes count as a document), which makes the amount of work I have to do that much higher.
I have ~145 or so pages of pure notes (not counting prototype excerpts) from one place to record, all the discord notes, and then a bunch more (thankfully, much shorter than 145 but still ~40 or so) all to transcribe in the more organized format I am aiming for. It's going to be a royal pain.
But the result will be worth it, if I can pull it off.
I won't let this side-project stop me from writing the story itself, mind you. I still intend to write it while streaming. (I took a week off of streaming in a desperate attempt to get my health back--it didn't work; I've got a sore throat which has persisted throughout the day.) I will stream other things as well--art, minecraft--but I intend to primarily stream writing my story.
But in my free time, I feel it's a valid choice to instead of writing the story to work on the notes because of the benefits behind having done so. My notes are a hectic mess as-is. Formatting them to be more organized and collected, with info previously not stated (at least not in that way), allowing me to have the info all available when needed.
It's a lot of work.
But I'm chipping away at it--slowly, gradually.