After one of the worst possible weeks to endure, today was terrific.
To catch you all up, my car nearly exploded on me. I told my boss about this, and my boss threatened corrective action if I didn't show up despite how my car wasn't safe to drive. So I drove a damaged car to work (endangering my safety in the process), it nearly stalled four times and had multiple kickbacks and was probably damaged by this process more than it already was.
And, knowing it wouldn't make it back home, I made some emergency maintenance on my car at work. The good news is, it mostly fixed the car. My car could still break any day, mind you (largely from the damage sustained from the drive I didn't want to do), but it's less likely to after the repair I did. The bad news is, because I wasn't in an environment suited for the repair and had to make it myself and without the tools at home, I spilled oil all over.
And then my boss threatened me again from it, saying if the oil got to the storm drain then the city could sue my workplace and I would be held liable for it. This being the same boss who I TOLD HER ABOUT MY CAR BEING UNSAFE TO DRIVE. I would not have needed to repair it in my workplace parking lot if I wasn't threatened with corrective action for prioritizing the repair over prioritizing showing up for my scheduled shift.
But because my boss threatened corrective action if I did prioritize the repair and my safety, I had to sacrifice both for the sake of showing up for my shift. And then to make it back home the emergency repair I did made my boss threaten me AGAIN for something which never would have happened if she listened to me in the first place!
And then I had to wait all day for them to come up with a solution. Tired, cold, hungry, with no help, and no effort to prioritize the spill over anything else. And I will have to pay for the stuff which got bought to be used, after my next paycheck. Meaning they are going to charge ME for a problem MY BOSS CREATED BY THREATENING ME and not listening. I SAID my car was unsafe to drive, and instead of accommodating for my life circumstance, I had my job threatened, and had to try and do a repair in an environment ill-suited for it, and got threatened for the result.
All of this also meant that I was outside in the freezing cold for a long time. Doing lots of hard physical labor. Banging and bruising my head and back. While sick. I was, and still technically am, sick. And I was straining myself by overly physically exerting myself. And being exposed to the cold for a long time.
And since then I've been just trying to rest, relax, recover, and get through the day.
That led to a lot of things, namely, cleaning, at our apartment falling behind.
Until today!
I fully cleaned the apartment of all trash, removing it all.
I made progress on getting the dishes cleaned, too!
So a lot done and am still resting and relaxing.
A lot could go wrong, but at least today, I have a lot to be proud of. <3