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  • Writer's pictureBrianna Lewis

Okay, so I'm blogging again.

I don't really know what to blog about, to be honest.

I've got things that I want to talk about. But, I don't know where to really begin, what to cover exactly, to be honest.

​I guess I should mention that things are going...okay, I suppose?

I've got lots of medical stuff coming up.

I've got a dentist appointment coming up.

I'm going back to counseling for mental health.

​I am working on better healthcare, for my hair and my teeth in particular.

I went to a doctor appointment to try and solve my issues regarding constant dizziness, lightheadedness, head spinning, vision blurring, loss of balance, etc. They didn't, and I have a cardiologist appointment.

I've got a dentist appointment coming up.

So like. I've got lots of things I'm trying to do for my body.

And in plurality things we continue to discover new facets. We're up to eleven.

Morgan the Aussie.

Bella the southerner.

Amanda, a deeper-voiced woman.

Joy, a source of energy and optimism.

Hope, a reassuring voice.

Ashe, a collective of littles.

Kat, part of the Ashe system, a cat.

​Ash, a guardian of Ashe, a nonbinary phoenix.

Miranda, who plays mafia.

Hera, who survives.

Hermione, who does puns.

And Danielle, the absorbed David.

​That, aside from confirmed soulbounds of Vee, Ruby, and Phyrra.

I'm wasting some time on TFT/League, but less so. Still got quests to complete, which means I gotta keep at it. But mostly doing other things.

I've tentatively reintroduced myself to ComicFury, integrating it into my daily routine.

I've been staying atop of discord and torn and a lull in mafia means I've been fine there, too.

​No shower today unless an opening comes up later tonight where there's a lull of nothingness, but been doing better overall.

Kongregate is back with new kongpanions, I missed out on the gold this week unfortunately but I'll be back next week to start playing the games again.

​I guess being active in blogging is good.

And, I'm working on writing things for farn, again. I'm only to January 22nd, but that's better than the 19th which is where I was before. The notes I'm gathering have a high level of redundancies, and are messy, and not very clean, buuuuuut...still, progress is progress.

I'm taking a break from there for less exhaustion, but...I am probably going back in. Because I feel like I can get caught up in transferring discord notes to my documents, and then from there start transferring my existing notes to their appropriate places, expanding things out as they should be.

That's the plan at least.

​​I have no clue what I'm doing to be honest.

This blog has been written over five hours,'s a start I suppose.

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A blog about all the things going wrong, from being in debt with being unable to afford basic things and all the issues.

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