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Brianna Lewis
4 days ago7 min read
I wanted to ramble about my beliefs a bit.
This is something I've been wanting to do for years, on again off again, but rarely do I get the chance to actually follow through. This...
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Brianna Lewis
Feb 63 min read
So I had a dream last night.
To be technical, it was a dream after I had woken up for the morning, work was canceled due to the snow, and then I went back to bed, so...
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Brianna Lewis
Jan 196 min read
I wanted to explain my daily check-ins some more.
A blog describing why I do daily check-ins, the daily affirmations, and why they matter, and how I got into doing them.
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 22, 20241 min read
Let's see if I can speedrun a resolution blog.
Last year, I made a resolution to spread joy and positivity. It was enhanced by a witchy burn ritual. I succeeded. Pretty brilliantly, at...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 21, 20246 min read
So we had a witch friend over yesterday.
And when talks of energy in our apartment came up, we discovered we quite literally had a monster living under our bed. Or rather, an...
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Brianna Lewis
Oct 12, 20244 min read
A bit all over the place today.
There's a lot that I've wanted to blog about, but I've never found the time to talk about it. I think that the top topic that I want to...
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Brianna Lewis
Aug 31, 20244 min read
Another quick blog, about what I feel like pursuing.
Basically, a thought came to me as I was on the way back from work, and I remembered something I had long-since forgotten. Ever since...
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Brianna Lewis
Jun 16, 20245 min read
Well, I am not exactly inspired rn.
A blog where I talk about myself a bit, reintroducing myself and delving into updates and challenges.
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Brianna Lewis
Apr 15, 20245 min read
Perfection is the enemy of good.
I keep on wanting to make a perfect blog entry to return to blogging rather than just doing blogging with is plenty good on its own. A...
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Brianna Lewis
Apr 5, 20246 min read
Been having a busy life.
I've been tired, exhausted, and overwhelmed, mostly, and been trying to get back into writing blogs similarly to how I've been trying to...
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Brianna Lewis
Mar 25, 20243 min read
Today has been a good day.
I was very productive in plurality stuff, story stuff, streaming, and in spirituality stuff. I do have to make sure my fiance is okay...
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Brianna Lewis
Mar 24, 20242 min read
Time slipped away today...
...but that's okay. I got a callout from my tarot reading, and also a very extensive reading from a different practitioner. From the...
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Brianna Lewis
Mar 23, 20242 min read
I don't really have much to share today...
...but I guess I still want to try. I had an inservice for work today, which ate up a lot of the day, but otherwise it's been mostly...
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Brianna Lewis
Mar 16, 202414 min read
I'm very selfish.
Today is the seven-month anniversary of me dating my fiance. And yet, today, I am opening up the day by writing what, if I actually cover...
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Brianna Lewis
Mar 12, 20245 min read
I'm not quite sure what to write rn.
I have a lot of thoughts I want to write about, but when it comes time to write them, I don't really know what to write. I have...
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Brianna Lewis
Mar 9, 20241 min read
Not much of a blog post, but...
...I just wanted to write something here. I don't want to go into details and should keep things vague but something very good happened...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 28, 20231 min read
Oh, to be engaged to a witch...
No, I don’t mean "witch with a capital B". No, I don’t mean evil, decrepit, or a hag. No green skin, melting with water, or even...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 24, 20232 min read
Okay, sitrep of today;
I'm still not posting to my mirror or properly tagging these blogs and am not putting much work into writing them. Today, I've been...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 23, 20232 min read
A maybe less secret blog
Well, if I can find the time tomorrow to start publishing these blogs, at least. I more or less got told, "think positively, to manifest...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 11, 20233 min read
I thought about it overnight.
And thinking about it, I think I'm going to go through with the deletion of the harmful blogs. Since I don't have the time to do that...
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