Oops no blog.
Alright so I'm 11 minutes late for bed and counting, so I may as well get a blog entry in since I can't get 6 hours of sleep in anyway,...
Oops no blog.
Hmm, not sure what to write today.
I hate how stupid I am sometimes.
Everything is just...
Yesterday really messed us up.
Today was quite frustrating.
Already regrets piling up.
Okay we need to hurry to not be late.
GodDAMN we're stupid.
Today has been quite frustrating.
Should we just go on a ramble?
I'm late for bed again.
No time to blog today.
Always late, always lacking time.
Why am I always so tired.
I really gotta finish the mirror.
Busy week, as usual.
Well we can't both do the blog we want and get to bed.
Well weebly is half-broke.
I am going to be terrible tomorrow.