Well we're getting nothing done.
Like. At all. At all at all. We did take a shower and get meds today and change the clothes we have spares of and brush our teeth once....
Well we're getting nothing done.
Suffice to say, things are not great.
While I did lose an hour tonight...
Don't mind me, just destroying my life.
Bed please.
How did I manage to waste today.
Today's been a good day.
Yeah I suck at blogging.
Gonna go to bed now.
(weebly ate this blog's title and I forget what it was)
I continue to both be productive yet exhausted.
I'm mentally exhausted.
I think there might be something wrong with me.
I'm just...so tired...
I had a good nap today.
Today was a bad day.
Okay so I kinda suck at blogging.
I'm not well off.
I'm just so tired.