I literally usually go to bed an hour or two later than right now, yet feel like passing out.
Which, to be honest: good.
Means I should sleep.
But like.
Everything I do takes so much time and energy and I am just...so, so tired.
Objectively I know that's probably what other people call burnout.
But like:
What can I do to stop burnout?
I can't take time off work.
I don't want to stop putting time into discords.
I don't want to stop vibing with friends.
And like--those alone genuinely eat up most of my time/energy.
I have rest days where I don't work, sure. And I don't actually rest on those days but like. With my brain neurology, I legit don't think I can. I can sleep, but I can't REST, because...if I do nothing, my mind starts spinning. If I do something which allows my mind to zone out, it is doing something. I can do one, but not the other, and in order to rest rest, I need to do both which is a genuine impossibility.
So like.
What can I change?
I honestly don't think there is anything.
So for now I just gotta hope that what I do is good enough to survive.
​Will strive for that earlier bed time today tho.