I've just been struggling to stay afloat.
I've been so so tired, and been struggling so so much to do even close to the bare minimum.
Realistically, I should be cutting back on the things I do, but like...
...everything I do is something I view as necessary, pretty much.
I need to work, so can't cut that out.
I need workouts, so can't cut them out.
I need dental hygiene and body hygiene, can't cut them out.
I need hair care, can't cut that out.
I need skincare, can't cut that out.
I want to blog, can't cut that out.
I need the vibes of places like ComicFury and streams and discord--I could cut them out in theory, but it'd tank my mental/emotional wellbeing. Those places replenish my soul.
I need the mafia site for all of the things it gives me.
That doesn't leave a lot which I can cut out.
And yet, I can't maintain what I have.
It feels like the issue is physical--that what's dragging me down is a physical issue. So all I can really do is hope that my current pursuits help me get the physical issues be...less of them.
It's not much of a plan, I know.
I'm not sure what to do to be honest.
Just trying my best to try my best.