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Brianna Lewis
May 5, 20243 min read
Depression is truly terrible.
A blog about depression, where I show off my art and what I have done while describing why depression makes it feel not enough.
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Brianna Lewis
May 4, 202410 min read
I have a lot of thoughts...
...but often, I struggle to write them down. I'm not gonna lie, things are very difficult right now in my life. Financially, I went into...
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Brianna Lewis
Apr 5, 20246 min read
Been having a busy life.
I've been tired, exhausted, and overwhelmed, mostly, and been trying to get back into writing blogs similarly to how I've been trying to...
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Brianna Lewis
Mar 15, 20241 min read
I'm so tired...
I'm so tired of life struggles. I'm so tired of losing money. I'm so tired of dealing with the drain on my life. I'm so tired of having...
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Brianna Lewis
Mar 10, 20241 min read
I know I don't have much to say rn...
...but I do know where I want to focus. I want to stop stressing about finances and success. I know I can succeed. As long as I am doing...
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Brianna Lewis
Dec 26, 20232 min read
The new year approaches...
...and I am honestly not ready. There’s so much to do. We've got various legal things to do. We need to get my fiancé set up on local...
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Brianna Lewis
Aug 26, 20232 min read
I figured I should talk more about life changes.
For a start, I mentioned I have a partner a couple blogs ago; I didn't mention how much their presence in my life has changed mine. I'm...
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Brianna Lewis
Jul 30, 20231 min read
(Possible deleted blog 2)
This blog has been deleted as of 12/11/2023. Normally, I would never delete anything, least of all a whole blog entry. But given the...
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Brianna Lewis
Jul 26, 20231 min read
Tbh, don't really feel like doing most things anymore.
At least, not right now. Believe it or not, for once, it's not depression. It's more like...I'm reprioritizing in my life right now. In...
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Brianna Lewis
Jul 4, 20231 min read
Well, I remembered the thing I didn't do.
It was working out! Today, I remedied that. My body has atrophied through lack of maintenance and long-covid to be about half of what I...
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Brianna Lewis
Jul 4, 20231 min read
All it took was a holiday, but...
...I'm cautiously optimistic most of my life is better now, hopefully good enough to not fail across the board. I've not brushed my...
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Brianna Lewis
Jun 5, 20231 min read
After the lowest lows, the highest highs?
Well here's to hoping, at the very least! I've been having a lot of wins today. I got naps in at work. I brushed my teeth. I brushed my...
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Brianna Lewis
Apr 17, 20231 min read
Today was...A Day.
Car issues (they MIGHT be okay now), taxes, body continuing to fail me, dentist appointment...suffice to say. Been a day. It's a miracle...
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