Oh hey can we do a real blog today?
I had a thought that I was going to leave for just my journal/diary--but like. I actually feel like writing a proper blog about it? Not...
Oh hey can we do a real blog today?
Alright so the radio silence was my fault this time.
Hmm, not sure what to write today.
Hmm, choices...
I hate how stupid I am sometimes.
Everything is just...
Yesterday really messed us up.
I don't really have a blog today.
Well, we streamed!
Our body is so weak.
Already regrets piling up.
Okay we need to hurry to not be late.
GodDAMN we're stupid.
I don't really wanna exist right now.
Today has been quite frustrating.
Should we just go on a ramble?
I'm late for bed again.
No time to blog today.
Always late, always lacking time.
I really gotta finish the mirror.