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An entry from kat;

Writer's picture: Brianna LewisBrianna Lewis

Hi! I just wanted u all to know ur amazing and incredible and wonderful and, yes, beautiful. u are loved and appreciated and adored, more than u know. ur talented and skilled and have more going for u than u know. ur life is worth living, and u make a difference. u are better than u think u are. ur great.

I know in this world, it's easy to focus on all the bad. The negative takes the forefront. It's bad to ignore the bad, but it's also bad to focus only on the bad and lose sight of the good. Most people are great. They are trying their best, just like u are. And, yes, ur trying ur best. even when it feels like u could do more. ur doing the best u can in that moment, and it is enough.

i just wanted people to know, there's a lot of good in this world. More good than bad. Most people are good, so most of the world is good. I know it doesn't seem that way, but the future is a brighter place to live, and u help us all get to there just by being ur wonderful self. It's hard to let go of the negative, and we all go at our own pace. The stronger the pain, the greater the hurt, the easier it is to lash out and stay hurt.

But it's possible to heal. It's possible to get better. It doesn't need to be an instant fix. U need not be a perfect person. Ur good enough as-is. Ur enough as u are. Healing isn't necessarily being better than u are now. Healing can also just be accepting ur great as u are now. u should always be urself, and those who are ur true friends/family will accept u, imperfections and all.

u are doing ur best to do the right thing, every day. ur judgement isn't perfect, but nobody is. u can and will make mistakes, but u did the best u could at the time. And ur not alone. Everyone around u is making their best efforts to do the right thing every day. Their judgement call may differ from yours, but they are still trying their best, just like u are. They make mistakes, too. They did the best they could at the time, too. So, just know, even if the decisions differ, ur not obligated to feel negative emotions towards differing decisions/paths...but if u do feel them, then that's okay. That's natural.

It's okay if u end up hurting people, even if it haunts you for life. It's okay if u mess up. It's okay if you screw up royally. u could never have screwed up as royally as we did, so if ur better than us, ur doing amazingly! And even if u feel ur as bad or worse than us, it isn't the end of the world. There are people who will accept u even after u mess up. Who believe in second chances, who will accept you are still a good person, despite having screwed up.

Ur failures don't make u a bad person. Everyone fails. Everyone can cause hurt to others. What we do is learn from the mistake, try to atone from it, move forward as a better person, and try to promote healing. So it's okay.

I promise ur great, no matter what u do.

And I am sorry if you are hurting or in pain. Time will heal a lot, and a shift in perspective can help too.

Ur loved and appreciated, and just know: I am always here for you, no matter what. For as long as I live.

It doesn't matter if I am a stranger to u or if u know me or if u hurt me or if I hurt you--I will always be available, for you, to help in any way I can. Because it's the least you deserve. You deserve support and love. <3

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