ngl, things are about to get real bad for me starting tomorrow. I'll be going into the red financially, so I don't know what if anything I'll be able to do for food, gas, etc. Just have to hope/pray.
I desperately need support/help.
We are going to be struggling. We won't know what we can do, what's safe, what we might be unable to do, for a while.
kels is close to getting a job. So, we won't need the help for long.
But...we do need the help. Desperately. At least temporarily.
We don't need much. In the range of $50 - $200. But we do need just a bit more, in order to get through this trying time.
It's frustrating, and spiral-inducing, and stressful.
I know we'll survive.
​But we are barely getting by.