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Writer's pictureBrianna Lewis

I'm extra tired today.

But, extra productive! I've been doing a ton. Not quite everything, but a lot.

I've been regularly doing my workout. I've gone up to 11/100, from my 5/100 starting point.

I actually brushed my teeth.

I've been staying on top of my meds, or at least on top of the minimum amount for them.

I'm showering, albeit probably not as much as my hair needs me to be.

I'm using the creams which help me with gender euphoria and keeping my skin healthy.

I'm eating regularly.

I'm sleeping with all the sleep aids I can get. I'm using my CPAP machine, a weighed blanket, an inclined bed, comforting pillows, etc.

I'm streaming regularly.

I've been writing snippets/excerpts for my novel, as well as writing down notes for it, too.

I've been doing art for my streams and discord.

I'm planning things.

Today I did grocery shopping, and cleaned the trash out of the apartment.

I also started assembling my PC.

I've been doing a lot, so while I am tired, I'm also proud of what I have done.

Yes, I need to do more.

I need to follow through on the aid for finances.

I need to stream tomorrow.

I need to continue recording videos and resume uploading them.

I need to keep blogging like I am today.

I need to continue making art.

I need to keep doing everything I am doing, and then add a little more.

It's a lot.

But I can do it.

Given all I've accomplished today, I'm likely resting for the rest of the night. Maybe rewarding myself with some Stardew Valley, despite having not finished what I was aiming to.

But, I am not slacking. I am not giving up. I am driven. I am motivated. I have a lot I need to level up.

This blog.

My videos.

My discord.

My streams.

All are kinda lacking right now.

But, I am getting better. Bit by small bit. Just gotta keep growing and improving as I go.

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