I've just been too tired, too busy, too distracted, etc., all causing me to be doing other things.
And because I'm blogging in five places now, there's also an intimidation factor involved, since it's not just writing a blog, it's posting it everywhere.
And there's also the intimidation factor of, "I've been gone a long time, I need to make sure my return to blogging is something noteworthy and significant."
But then it never happens because of that.
And like...this blog is meant to be daily.
I'm not going to write a banger blog every single day.
Anything is better than nothing.
But like, I guess I can give life stuff.
I started recording and releasing videos--they aren't great, but I'm doing them.
I'm starting to write again.
I'm doing more art, and will probably share that when it's not 9 am as I'm writing this (keeping in mind the posting time is gonna eat into that even more).
I'm streaming more regularly, and documenting my plurality.
I'm doing work on my stream and my discord.
I want to get consistent in things like my streams are. Consistent blogs, consistent videos, etc. It's hard, but I think I can.
​So, I just wanna keep going. I have good things going for me. I just need to keep it up.