In a comfort twitch streamer's chat, I got reminded of something. I touched upon it in my last blog, but one of the things that has happened to me is my transformation into more of a teacher.
I don't have the time/energy to pursue all my passions. So I will need to pick and choose which I pursue.
I can't do them all.
And now...teaching.
I can't pursue all at once.
There's also content creation beyond streaming.
Skits I have imagined.
Videos I have ideas for.
All sorts of things.
I can't do them all. I will be forced to give up on at least some of them. much as I can...I want to pursue them, as much as I can.
In particular, when it comes to teaching...
...I have always felt that I was the one who needed to learn more. I was always awkward, I was always feeling like I was failing at life, so what lessons could a failure have to impart on others? I came from a conservative family and went to a school with basically no training for all of the things.
I had no training on mental conditions. Nothing about Autism, or Bipolar Disorder, or ADHD.
I had no training on LGBTQIA+ matters.
I had no training about plurality.
I consider myself a student in those fields, because I've so much to learn and never am confident in myself.
...And yet...
...I am at a point in life where I have more experience than most people do. I can give them basic information, I can give them the references I learned from, I can impart them with the knowledge I have, and I passively do this without realizing it.
I am a teacher.
I have always wanted to be a teacher.
And...I think I can elevate my abilities and be a teacher in a larger capacity.
I think I can actually embrace the side of me which educates others.
And I think it would be a lot easier than I think.
I can make shortform content, uploading to tiktok yt shorts and instagram.
I can do it--and I want to.
Now, I'm a lousy orator.
But I think I can make content, while imparting education on others, and do it well. Yes, I will make mistakes. But I can help others make less mistakes than I did.
I can do it, and get going on it.
I'm going to manifest moving forward with this.