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  • Writer's pictureBrianna Lewis

So I've been productive.

Busy, but productive!

I've started mirroring my weebly blog on ko-fi, although unlike the wix mirror blog (which I eventually intend to have all of my blogs mirrored onto), I don't intend to post past blogs there. Just keep going on current ones. I may or may not post to LinkedIn as well, as I am dabbling in professional content creation, so it's technically a job.

I'm also doing so for wix, although need a lot of work there.

For twitch streams, I downloaded OBS and couldn't get the thing I wanted working but it's there for now. I downloaded the twitch studio platform, and it should in theory work for what I want it to.

In theory, I have reactions set up for my discord.

So like...I'm doing a lot of good work, which is keeping me busy, and here's to hoping it is finally about to pay off.

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